Beauty From Inside Out..'''..

Smooth nails, shiny hair, glowing skin. For many people, these are signs of beauty—but what do your skin, hair and nails say about your health? Are they clear, vibrant and strong? These outward features can say just as much about what’s happening inside your body. Try adding the following power foods to your diet to help keep your skin, hair and nails at their best—and keep your body in beautiful health along the way.


All those little bunnies are on to something. Foods rich in beta-carotene, like carrots, turn into the antioxidant powerhouse vitamin A. This golden nugget has remarkable anti-aging properties, promotes healthy hair and nail growth, and has been shown to combat diabetes-related symptoms. You can also find beta-carotene in spinach, broccoli, peas and romaine lettuce.


Tomatoes aren’t just another powerful antioxidant--they’re also fantastic for your skin. They’re loaded with vitamin C, along with carotenoids, lycopene and beta-carotene. Translation? The same properties that make tomatoes red will keep you from getting red. Eating foods rich in carotenoids increases your skin’s protection from sunburn, especially when combined with Vitamin E. A nice way to get a dose of both is with a caprese salad: sliced tomatoes, basil and mozzarella drizzled with olive oil. Yum!


Want strong and healthy nails? Crack open an egg. This tasty item is packed with a protein punch that is very easily digested; your body will use every little bit of it. Along with protein, eggs also bring vitamin A, vitamin E, iron, vitamin B7 and vitamin B12 to the table. Whip up an omelet, a frittata or boil a couple of eggs for snacking throughout the day.

Low-fat dairy

Got milk? If not, grab some. Skim milk is an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D, a combination that helps strengthen nails and promote hair growth. Low-fat yogurt and cheeses will also give you a nice calcium boost. That’s not all: These dairy products are also packed with protein, which is beneficial since that’s what our hair and nails are made of. If cow milk isn’t your bag, soy milk is a good alternative.


There’s nothing like a toasty bowl of oatmeal in the morning. Not only does it fill you up and give you energy, it’s also chock full of copper, zinc and B vitamins. These nutrients all work together to keep your nails looking healthy. Zinc in particular is a powerful tool in the fight against acne. It reduces inflammation and kills acne-borne bacteria. Try regular oats versus instant and give them a good soak before cooking to reap the most nutritional benefit.


Beans, beans, the magical fruit. The more you eat…the stronger your nails. They’ve got protein, zinc and biotin, which can help make your nails thicker and less prone to splitting. Beans are also thought to be an enhancer for your hair by combating biotin deficiencies. Most legumes are high in fiber, protein, zinc and antioxidants, which can boost collagen production and give your skin a healthy glow and elasticity. Not bad for something that comes in such a tiny package.

These foods from inside can make lot of changes from external,so go ahead include these stuff in your daily food ....

Ways to Protect Your Skin from the Sun ?

Safe in the Sun

Living your normal everyday life means that you can’t avoid exposing your skin to the sun. Repeated sun exposure adds up over the years and puts you at risk for skin cancer. So protecting your skin from the sun is important year round, even on cloudy days. But using sunscreen is not enough because no sunscreen—no matter how high the SPF—can provide 100% protection. That’s why you need a combination of sun protection measures.

Use Sunscreen

Your skin is exposed to the sun every day, so sunscreen isn’t just for the beach. Use a daily broad-spectrum—blocking UVA and UVB rays—sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher on all exposed areas. And choose cosmetics and lip balms with SPF. For beach days, use water-resistant sunscreens with higher SPFs. Remember to apply sunscreen liberally 30 minutes before sun exposure, reapply every few hours and even more frequently after swimming or sweating, and check the expiration date. 

Cover Up

In the water, consider wearing a rash guard instead of a t-shirt. Wet t-shirts offer far less UV protection than dry ones.If you aren’t in the water, cover up with loose-fitting, long-sleeved shirts and long pants. And check clothing labels for UPF information. You want materials with a UPF of at least 30.

Sport Sunglasses

Sun exposure can lead to cataracts and damage the delicate skin around your eyes. Sunglasses will do double duty by protecting your vision and your skin. For sunglasses, darker doesn’t necessarily mean better protection. Dark tints only reduce the intensity of the nontoxic visible light with no blockage of the invisible UV rays. Larger frames or wrap-around glasses provide the best protection.

Sources of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for your health and for strong bones. Your skin makes vitamin D when it is exposed to the sun. But the sun is not the only source of vitamin D. You can also find it naturally in fatty fish—tuna, swordfish and salmon—and in fortified foods, such as milk, cereal, yogurt, and orange juice.

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